Friday 14 June 2024

Skin Cancer Classification Using CNN Convolutional Neural Network | Skin Cancer Detection Using Python Project With Source Code | IEEE Project with Source Code


                Many of the skin diseases are very dangerous, particularly if not treated at an early stage. Skin diseases are becoming common because of the increasing pollution. Skin diseases tend to pass from one person to another. Human habits tend to assume that some Melanoma Skin Cancer are not serious problems. Sometimes, most of the people try to treat these infections of the skin using their own method. However, if these treatments are not suitable for that particular skin problem then it would make it worse. And also sometimes they may not be aware of the dangerous of their Melanoma Skin Cancer, for instance skin cancers. With advance of medical imaging technologies, the acquired data information is getting so rich toward beyond the human’s capability of visual recognition and efficient use for clinical assessment. In this project we propose a diagnosis system which will enable users to detect and recognize skin diseases with the help of image processing and provide the user advises or treatments based on the results obtained in a shorter time period than the existing methods. In this project, we will be constructing a diagnosis system based on the techniques of Image Processing. We will be making use of Python to perform the pre-processing and processing of the skin images of the users. This processing will be conducted on the different skin patterns and will be analyzed to obtain the results from which we can identify which skin disease the user is suffering from. This data will help in early detection of the skin diseases and in providing their cure. Through this we will be finding a cost effective and feasible test method for the detection of skin disorders. The results obtained will be classified according to the given prototype and diagnosis accuracy assessment will be performed to provide users with efficient and fast results.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
WhatsApp: +917276355704


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