Friday, 7 June 2024

Brain Tumor Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network CNN | Brain Tumor Detection Using Python Project With Source Code | IEEE Based Project


           Brain tumors are the most common issue in children. Brain tumors, either malignant or benign, that originate in the cells of the brain. The conventional method of detection and classification of brain tumor is by human inspection with the use of medical resonant brain images. But it is impractical when large amounts of data is to be diagnosed and to be reproducible. And also the operator assisted classification leads to false predictions and may also lead to false diagnose. Medical Resonance images contain a noise caused by operator performance which can lead to serious inaccuracies classification. Brain tumor identification is really challenging task in early stages of life. But now it became advanced with various machine learning algorithms. Now a day’s issue of brain tumor automatic identification is of great interest. In Order to detect the brain tumor of a patient we consider the data of patients like MRI images of a patient’s brain. Here our problem is to identify whether tumor is present in patients brain or not. It is very important to detect the tumors at starting level for a healthy life of a patient. There are many literatures on detecting these kinds of brain tumors and improving the detection accuracies. In this work we used brain tumor detection using convolutional neural network. This project is developed in python. 



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
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