Tuesday 11 June 2024

Foot Ulcer Detection Using Image Processing Using Matlab | Foot Ulcer Classification Using Matlab Project With Source Code


         Now a days, diabetic patient are more prone to have foot ulcer. Diabetes affects the foot generally by two ways, such as breaking of nerves and weakening of blood vessels. Strange increase of glucose in the blood results in nerve injury, termed as diabetic neuropathy. Lack of sensation and hardening of the foot may indicate nerve injury. Due to this, diabetic patients would not sense a small wound or an inflammation on foot. Lack of sensation in the foot may cause abnormal walking and standing. Flattered arches fractures and non-healing blisters may occur due to improper balance of foot. Diabetes also has an effect on blood vessels. Thin blood vessels carry a lesser amount of blood to the foot. Oxygen is conceded to the blood cell. When the blood vessels are tapering, less blood and oxygen reaches the foot. This can delay wound healing. Insufficient blood will not carry sufficient oxygen and nutrient to the foot for healing and fight against infection. Gangrene may also affect the diabetic patient due to lack of blood supply. Treatment may require an amputation of the foot. The infected part of the foot was removed surgically. Initial finding, care and treatment can avoided the need of amputation. Symptoms such as redness, swelling, and increase temperature are the indication of foot ulcer. In this project an image processing technique is proposed to identify weather ulcer is healing or not. This project is developed in matlab.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
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Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com


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