Tuesday 11 June 2024

Image Encryption Decryption Using AES Algorithm | Secret Key Based Image Encryption Decryption Using Python Project Source Code | Final Year Project


            In the last few years the security and integrity of the data is the most important concern. Now a day’s almost all the data is transferred over the computer networks and it has increased the attacks over the network. Before transmitted data it has to be encrypted and store so that it cannot be attacked by various attackers. Encryption is a process of hiding the data. During the last decade information security has become the major issue. As there is rapid growth of using images in many fields, so it is important to protect the private image data from the intruders. Image protection has become an imperative issue. To protect an individual privacy has become a crucial task. Different methods have been explore and developed to preserve data and personal information. To protect the important information from unauthorized users, image encryption is used. Encryption is the one of the most used technique to hidden the data from unauthorized users. The encrypting and decrypting of the data has been widely investigated because the demand for the better encryption and decryption of the data is gradually increased for getting the better security for the communication between the devices more privately. The cryptography play a major role for the fulfillment for this demand. The purpose of this project is to provide the better as well as more secure communication system by enhancing the strength of Advance Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. AES algorithm was known for providing the best security without any limitations. This project is developed in python.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
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Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com


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