Thursday 28 March 2024

Heart Disease Detection Using Image Processing Matlab Project with Source Code | Final Year Project


            Modern day lifestyle and our ignorance towards health have put the most vital organ of our body Heart at great risk. India today is witnessing a lot many young people suffering from heart diseases which even lead to untimely demise. Most common heart abnormality includes arrhythmia which is nothing but irregular beating of heart. Going by the trend/statistics, middle aged people (30-45yrs) are at great risk because of high stress in both personal and professional lives. This necessitates the need for a system which can not only detect any anomaly in functioning of our heart but warns us against any threat. Our project is based on developing such a system that can give us prior information about the upcoming threat or the heart disease which we are prone to. Myocardial Infarction is a major kind of abnormal heart activity. An abnormal heart beat is a problem with the heartbeat rate or rhythm of the heartbeat. For the period of an Myocardial Infarction, the heart may beat too fast or too slow, or with an irregular rhythm. Classification of cardiac myocardial infarction is a difficult task. One of the ways to detect cardiac arrhythmia is to use electrocardiogram (ECG) signals images . The ECG is the most important biomedical-signal used by cardiologists for diagnostic purposes. The ECG signal images provides all the required information about the electrical activity of the heart. The early detection of the myocardial infarction can save lives and enhance the quality of living through appreciates treatment.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
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