Sunday 10 March 2024

Medicinal Leaf Recognition Using CNN Convolutional Neural Network Matlab Project With Source Code | Final Year Projects


            Image processing is the recent growing technique in the world. It refers to the processing of digital images by means of a digital computer. Images play a major role in human perception. Image analysis is between image processing and computer vision. There are no clear boundaries for in continuum with image processing and computer vision. The useful paradigms for computerized process in determining the image is classified in to three types are low-level process: involve primitive operation such as image pre processing to reduce noise, image enhancement and image sharpening, mid-level: image segmentation and high-level: making sense of image recognized. Here image processing technique is used for medicinal purpose by extracting the features of herbal leaf and authenticating it medicinal qualities. Leaves play the major role for the classification of plants. The sample leaves are taken from various places, plants and shape. The image is captured and further work is carried out. Comparison of test sample image with reference not only requires an experienced but is subjective and prone to human errors. By applying advanced technique of image processing and utilizing the capabilities of the recent advanced computing and data/image storage facilities. The aim of the project is to classify and authenticate the medicinal plant materials and herbs widely used for Indian herbal medicinal preparation. The quality and authenticity of these leaves are to be ensured for the preparation of herbal medicines. The medicinal plant leaves are thoroughly screened, analyzed and compared with the database to give the correct measures of the texture to which category the leaf belongs to. This project is developed in matlab using convolutional neural network



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
Mobile: +91-7276355704
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