Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is one of the major causes of blindness in the western world. Increasing life expectancy, indulgent lifestyles and other contributing factors mean the number of people with diabetes is projected to continue rising. Regular screening of diabetic patients for DR has been shown to be a cost-effective and important aspect of their care. The accuracy and timing of this care is of significant importance to both the cost and effectiveness of treatment. If detected early enough, effective treatment of DR is available; making this a vital process. The diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy (DR) through color fundus images requires experienced clinicians to identify the presence and significance of many small features which, along with a complex grading system, makes this a difficult and time consuming task. In this project , we propose a image processing approach to diagnosing DR from digital fundus images and accurately classifying its severity. We develop a network with cnn architecture and data augmentation which can identify Diabetic Retinopathy. This project is developed in matlab.
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