Sunday, 12 January 2025

Mango Plant Disease Detection and Pesticide Suggestion Using Python Project | Mango Plant Disease Prediction Final Year Major Project


            The mango fruit is popular because of its wide range of adaptability, high nutritional value, different variety, delicious taste and excellent flavor. The fruit contains vitamin A and vitamin C in a rich extent. The crop is prone to diseases like Powdery mildew, Anthracnose, Red Rust, Golmich, etc. Disorders may also impact the plant in the absence of effective case and control measures. These include change of form, biennial bearing, fall of fruit, black top, clustering, etc. The farmer must consult and take professional support for the prevention / control of diseases and crop disorder. New techniques of detecting mango disease are required to promote better control to avoid this crisis. By considering this, project describes image recognition which provides cost effective and scalable disease detection technology. This project further describes new convolutional neural network models which give an opportunity for easy deployment of this technology.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
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