Tuesday 20 February 2024

Gender Recognition from Speech Audio Signal Using Matlab Project With Source Code Final Year Project


             Signal is a physical quantity that varies with respect to the independent variable like time, space, etc. Signal values can be represented in zero’s and one’s. Processing of digital signal by using digital computer is called as Digital Signal Processing. According to Webster’s dictionary, speech is the expression or communication throughout in speakers. Speech is the most important thing to express our thoughts. Speech signal is used to communicate among people. It not only consists of the information but also carries the information regarding the particular speaker. From which the speaker is male or female can be recognized. The meaning of Gender Recognition (GR) is recognizing the gender of the person whether the speaker is male or female. The Information about gender, age, ethnicity, and emotional state are the important ingredients that give rich behavioral information. Such information can be obtained from the speech signal. In this project, an unknown speaker is compared to a database of some known speakers. The best matching system is taken as the recognition decision. From the Recognition decision we conclude whether the given voice sample is generated by a male or female. This project is developed in matlab.



Prof. Roshan P. Helonde
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Email: roshanphelonde@rediffmail.com


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