Wednesday 15 April 2020

Barcode Recognition using Image Processing Matlab Project Source Code

            Barcodes are the symbols which represents the products information which is present at the backside of the product of a company. Barcodes are the thick and thin lines which are parallel to each other and it is in the form of rectangle shape. Barcodes are easy way to enter the information of the product than the manual methods. Its speed and reliability improves many operations like forwarding,
packing, reception, and manufacturing. Barcodes can be found in the libraries (in the backside of book), factories, blood banks, supermarkets etc. Barcodes are the efficient way to encoding the machine readable information on most books and products. The barcode reading system is based on image processing, providing more information than laser barcode readers at a time. So, it’s started gaining more importance than laser barcode readers. In this project, we are adopting some type of barcode algorithms which segmenting the barcode patterns from images. In this project, we are going to adopt the effective barcode algorithm for various types of images and also the suggestions to improve the efficiency of the information.



Mr. Roshan P. Helonde
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